Ellora Caves- Greatest in India

Ellora caves are  also called as Kailas caves located in the Aurangabad district of Maharashtra, India. It is one of the largest rock-cut monastery-temple cave complexes in the world, featuring Hindu, Buddhist and Jain monuments, and artwork. Sculptures of three religions can be seen here in one place. Jains, Buddhists, Hindus, while creating this masterpiece, have put aside their differences and created a unique vision of tolerances, harmony and unity.

Taking the kailasa temple from these caves is not just an indescribable poem made of solid rock, but it is an eternal epic. 29 m 50 m high long and 33 m its dimensions are wide. Thousands of years ago, with just a chisel-hammer in hand, unknown artists created these sculptures and hoisted our flag all over the world. 
the mountain on which these caves were formed is called as 'yellow' mountain. The river named 'Yelanga' flows near it. the name 'Verul'(Ellora) is derived from the 'Yelu' mountains Yelganga.


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